Squash players shave their heads in hair-raising charity stunt

Left to right: Maxwell Johnson, Daniel Bartlett, Harry Cozens, Richard Southcott and Olly Warburton
Brunel Squash Club players are letting charitable fundraising go to their heads - literally!
Seven members of the team are getting together on Friday 9th of February to face the clippers and to get their hair completely shaved off for charity.
Harry Cozens, chairman of the Club, was looking for better alternatives to raise money for the Union and the hair-raising way to collect cash for good causes has proved to be extremely successful.
“We put the event live on Facebook on the 24th of January with the promise that if we reached £800 we would get bic’d. In less than twenty days we exceeded our target and raised more than a £1000,” said Harry.
The money will be donated to help various good causes: YoungMinds, a UK charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people; Teenage Cancer Trust, a charity dedicated to give expert treatment and support to young people from the moment they hear the word “cancer” and Disability Africa, an organisation set up to improve outcomes for disabled children in African countries by providing community-based services and building more inclusive communities.
Amongst these brave fundraisers, who have all already purchased hats to wear in the next coming weeks, there are a couple who showed a bit of concern about going clean shaven.
“Olly is worried about being celibate until his hair grows back," said Dan who has purposely not shaved his beard for weeks to prepare for the event.
The cutting will be carried out in front of the Union at 1 pm tomorrow and the team will provide refreshments and home-made cakes as well as the the opportunity to have a go at shaving them.
You still have time to sponsor them by visiting https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Team/BrunelSquashClub or by participating at the event tomorrow.
IKB Insider will live-stream the hair-raising event on Facebook from 1 pm onwards.