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How safe do you feel on campus? - Students have their say

Brunel was shocked this week by a stabbing on campus that took place outside the Lecture Centre in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Our IKB Insider team took to the streets to see what people thought of the incident and how they feel staying on campus.

George Dowle, 20, studying Physiotherapy, said

“It’s just one of those things. I think we should definitely have more cameras around campus and maybe just a bit more security outside of term time.”

Graham Kaye-Taylor, 37, Placement Advisor at the Professional Development Centre said

“We can’t completely shut off the campus. After the clown case a few years ago, it didn’t affect our recruitment, but I think that it’s more important to get to the bottom of this stabbing before talking about our reputation as a uni.”

James Farmer, 33, studying History said

“I’ve always felt unsafe. The fact that we have an open campus is a problem. We should be using our passes more to get into buildings and wearing our lanyards more. We should have a closed campus.”

Alexa Lavery, 24 studying Anthropology said

“I don’t think it will affect prospective students because everyone is quite street smart anyway and wary of it. You can’t be surprised when it does happen because of London’s reputation.”

Graeme Bartlett, 24, studying Physiotherapy said

“Security does a good enough job to keep us safe. Stabbings aren’t that rare anymore, it’s just the world we live in.”

Dev Aditya, 26, Vice President of the Brunel Student Union said

“Brunel has really good security. One the strongest in London. Compared to other universities we have a really strong security presence on campus. I’m pretty confident of the security measures for the students and I wouldn’t change a thing. There’s not a lot of tension on campus after what’s happened."

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