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Sports Cash Could be Slashed

Funding for sports teams is likely to be slashed under new motion at Brunel Union AGM.

A motion put forward by Daniel Knights, 21 and chair of the debate society, would see that for every £3 spent on sports teams, £1 should be spent on societies.

He said: “This chronic underfunding compared to sports clubs means many societies have to charge a membership fee in order to operate which is something sports teams do not have to do.”

Mr Knights also added that this motion would lead to “a greater funding of student societies allowing us to host more events and activities for our membership that we have been unable to fund in the past.”

George Wardle, 23 and Vice President of Student Activities says that a 3:1 ratio would “more than likely result in sports societies having their funding cut to meet that requirement.”

He explained: “Sports teams have got to cover the costs of: coaching; transport to away matches; refereeing; and facility space, so they are going to cost more than a normal society.”

He added: “At the moment, every member of a sports society has to pay a £33 fee to cover insurance in order to join, so they are contributing some money towards the budget. A few years ago, some sports teams were having to charge around £150 to cover their costs.”

An amendment to the motion has been drafted for the union to increase the funding of normal societies, but to remove the required 3:1 ratio which would “more than likely result in members having to pay a higher fee again” said Mr Wardle.

This motion will be debated at the AGM at 4:30, 15th October at The Venue.

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