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Another Prime Minister Already?

The current Prime Minister has until Christmas to stay in Downing Street, the bookmakers say, with a 100/1 odds that he keeps his job after the festive season.

Boris Johnson, MP for Uxbridge, is likely to be out of the top job in the next couple of months, according to Paddy Power which says his chance of staying on as PM are very slim.

For those doubting the bookmakers, Paddy Power’s prediction turned out to be on the money last year when Mr Johnson was quoted as 6-1 to become Prime Minister.

The wonders a year can do for Jeremy Corbyn’s odd’s as Prime minister, from the 9/2 odds in November in 2018 to 2/1 odds for Christmas of 2019. His first time being a front runner, in the somewhat recently troubled Labour Party. A potentially bright period in Labours future.

In a not so distant 2ndyou have Ken Clarke, the marathon runner in this political game with 5 decades leading up to this race with his odds being 6/1. Someone who wasn’t talked about in the previous election, but is a well-respected conservative.

A well-known outsider, Nigel Farage, a man of upset and change with odds of 16/1. This would definitely be a shot from outside the box.

If you want the return of an ex-Prime Minister, whether that’s Tony Blair in which some would say is way past his prime. The cheeky odds of 200/1 may be enough to sway some people. The same goes for David Cameron, a one mistake defined career may not look tempting but at the odds of 200/1 some would say why not.

A man out of no-where, a dark horse, a man who wants a new challenge. Piers Morgan, a man who’s never been tested but Is looking for his first win and at the odds of 500/1. If Leicester can do it, why not Piers Morgan the Wildcard in this race.

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